“Making Your Dreams Become A Reality”
To the World
Specialist in Hajj, Umrah and Al Aqsa Packages
Top Middle East Hotels Destinations
Helps To Plan Your Journey
Alhamdulilah me and my family travelled to the blessed lands of Al Quds
Sharif with Dream Capital and Honourable Ustadh Ul Ulema Maulana
Imam Adil Shahzad sahib for the first time and weeks later we are still so
spirituality charged from the experience. We had 5* star service from
Dream Capital team and felt so at ease with them in charge. They made the
trip unforgettable, and we can’t thank them enough for everything. My 4
year old Son is still talking about Al Aqsa Sharif, Bayt Ul Lahm, Al Khalil
and all the other ziyarats we visited. Simply Amazing.
- Irfan Jabbar
5 star * for the amazing experience it was a spiritually uplifting journey
full of deen imaan and love for our prophet SAW-May Allah bless you
brother and May you continue your tours and Allah put barakah in all that
you do.
- Nuzhat
Jazakhallah to the brothers at Dreamcapital for the spiritual and uplifting
experience it was an honour to travel with you and be a part of this
journey-As you said hearing something a 1000 times can’t be compared to
seeing the place even once-May Allah reward you and accept our intentions
and ibadat.
- Hafiz Israr Ahmed Sultani
Dreamcapital Have provided us with an A* Service helping us too acquire a renewal of Pakistan Nadra Card
- Idrees Ishaq
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